The Debate on Smoking on HOTEL BALCONIES

Smoking on hotel balconies has become a controversial topic in recent years. Some hotels have banned smoking on their balconies altogether, while others have designated specific smoking areas.

There are various factors contributing to this debate, including the impact of secondhand smoke, the risk of fire, and the possibility of hotel guests being bothered by the smell of smoke.

The debate on smoking on hotel balconies is likely to continue as more hotels strive to find the best way to meet the needs and desires of their guests.

For now, it’s important to be aware of the specific policies of the hotel where you are staying so that you can make an informed decision about whether to smoke on your balcony or not.

Can You Smoke on the Hotel Room Terrace?

In Spain law states that smoking is prohibited in hotel rooms. Law 42/2010 established the current conditions, which prohibit smoking in various spaces. This includes hotels, hostels, and similar establishments, with the exception of outdoor areas.

When it comes to terraces or balconies connected to rooms, even though these are classified as outdoor areas, they are inherently linked to the room itself. Therefore, the terrace of a room designated as a ‘non-smoking area’ will be considered a smoke-free area, regardless of its extension.

However, there is the possibility of designating specific rooms for smokers, as long as they comply with the requirements described in Article 8.

The reference to Article 8 may suggest the possibility of allowing tobacco consumption, but this perception is incorrect. The restrictions significantly limit the practical application of this option.

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In the case of hotels and hostels, there is the option to reserve up to 30% of rooms specifically for smokers, provided they meet certain criteria:

  1. They must be located in separate areas from other rooms, with independent ventilation or additional devices for smoke removal.
  2. They must have permanent signage.
  3. Customers must be informed in advance about the assigned room type.
  4. Workers are not allowed access to these rooms while there are customers inside, except in cases of emergency.

The implementation of the physical separation of these rooms from the rest poses practical challenges, and its interpretation can be complicated.

It may involve allocating an exclusive floor or a separate section of the building. Another ambiguity arises in restricting workers’ access to rooms while there are customers, especially concerning the cleaning service.

Accessing a room with customers inside is an exceptional situation.

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